k.brown's blog

Recording the Gammer Zows, Hardy Backs and Cheese Logs of the UK

Do you love Cheese Logs as much as we do?

By Gino Brignoli and Rachel Davies

What are Billy Bakers, Monkey Peas, Gammer Zows, Parson's Pigs, Chiggy Wigs, Cheese Logs, Daddy Granfers, Granny Grunters, Slate Cutters, Hardy Backs, Penny Sows, and Cheesy Bugs? And what do they have in common?

Worcestershire Field Recorder Days

Develop and put to use your invert field skills

By Rachel Davies

Our Field Recorder Day programme in the West Midlands is up and running again. Join us for pitfall trapping, pond sampling and river kick sampling to help us generate new invertebrate records and develop your field skills.

Meet the BioLinks Team

About us

By The BioLinks Team

The past 18 months have seen a lot of changes to the BioLinks project team - with 4 new team members joining Keiron this year! In this blog, we introduce the team, and update you on who is doing what for the final 15 months of the FSC BioLinks project.

Excellent Earthworms Project

Studying earthworms in parks

By Alice Evans and Keiron Derek Brown

Working with The Royal Parks and Earthworm Society of Britain, we're investigating the impact of humans on earthworm populations in London's parks. Help us study the impacts of path erosion, road pollution and ring-fencing of veteran trees.

Bumblebees on the Mynd

Conserving the Bilberry Bumblebee

By Jen Jones

The Bilberry bumblebee project, which has been led by the National Trust, the Bumblebee Conservation Trust and volunteers in Shropshire aimed to assess and conserve this declining bumblebee on the Long Mynd using citizen scientists. Jen Jones gives us her insights into the aims and achievements of the research.

Discovering Earthworms Online

Studying earthworms in the virtual world

by Keiron derek Brown

Keiron recently-co-developed the Discovering Earthworms online training course. In this blog he gives us a taster of what our learners covered and reports the results from the participant field assignments. 

Eco-Skills - An Introduction

Expanding our learning pathways beyond invertebrates...

by Clare Rooney

Clare Rooney is the Engagement & Training Manager for the new Eco-Skills training programme. In this blog, Clare tells us about what her team are working on and the exciting new training opportunitities are now available to book with the Field Studies Council.

Wildlife Recording in the Urban World

Get excited by the upcoming NFBR virtual conference!

by  Keiron Derek Brown

Wildlife recording isn't just important in honeypots, such as nature reserves. The urban world is a fascinating mosaic of habitats itself, and is where wildlife and humans interact the most. Keiron explains what the upcoming NFBR conference has to offer and why we should all be attending this virtual event.

TVERC is looking for keen field surveyors

Blog advertCalling Berkshire naturalists...

by Caitlin Coombs

Are you a nature enthusiast? Do you have experience in species identification and wildlife surveys? Would you like the opportunity to visit protected sites, contribute to TVERC’s records, and play a role in the success of the Berkshire Local Wildlife Sites Project? You may be able to help us with survey work! 

World Earthworm Day 2020 Webinar

The theme for the 5th annual World Earthworm Day on 21st October 2020 is Super Composters – to celebrate the relationship between man, waste and worms! We've teamed up with the Earthworm Society of Britain to put together a webinar for those interested in learning more about vermicomposting and the important role that earthworms can play in helping us deal with our waste.


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