A Key To The Genera Of The British Seaweeds
This key is developed from one used on various courses at the Marine Biology Station, Menai Bridge and at Dale Fort Field Centre. This was based on the excellent key in Knight and Parke's Manx Algae (1931), which was modified by the inclusion of genera not found on the Isle of Man and by the addition of a key to the Cyanophyceae. The key has been further modified in the light of experience gained during these courses and expanded to include all the genera in Parke's Check List (1953) and the later amendments (Parke 1956, -57, -59), apart from a few minor exceptions and with the major change that the classification of Drouet and Daily (I956) has been adopted for the non-filamentous Cyanophyceae.
Available as:
FSC Field Studies (1962), 1, 1-32